Sunday, May 3, 2015

A Walk In Rome

Hello lovely's... I know I've been in an extreme MIA mode.  Have you ever been lost in mind?  Well I've been literally lost and wondering what to write.  Lately I've been wondering weather if I should incline myself in posting more of travel, faith, infertility, fashion or military.  But while praying and meditating on it I have decided in writing about everything.  So I'm going to try and post as often as possible and it will be a diversity of topics.  

During my friend Belinda's visit we decided to do several road trips and our first stop was Rome.  We got to walk around go into the Colosseum, the Ancient City and received a beautiful word from the Pope. 

Without further ado here is a glimpse of Rome.

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  1. All your photos are really making me miss Rome!! so lucky to live so close and be able to experience all the history of that city! Can't wait to read all of your new posts!

  2. Beautiful!! I vote for travel/sight seeing posts so I can experience some of Italy through you!! You look beautiful too girl!
