Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Wednesday Wish List

While reading the blogs I follow I came across Simply Smithwick blog and saw the Wednesday Wishlist, of course I decided to do one since it's been going on with a couple of bloggers.  And since here at Ft. Bragg the weather seems to be bipolar I decided that these items are the one's I'm either getting or that it's been a routine for those cold days.

Blanket  | Chai Pumpkin Spice Latte Recipe Coming Soon

Working at Express gives me the opportunity to get things with a good discount.  And the hoodie and sweatpants are perfect for this weather.  Thanks to Simply Smithwick for making me want those slippers.  The blanket is on special right now and isn't it adorable with the initials ahhh I fell in love immediately.

I had to include the Wallflowers it just gives my apartment an amazing smell of Christmas and last but not least my very own home made Chai Pumpkin Spice Latte which I will be putting up the recipe before the week ends.  

I hope you enjoy!!!

Linking up with Annie & Morgan


Friday, October 25, 2013

FIVE on Friday

One - For quite some time I have been obsessing with Pandora Jewelry I'm almost done with my first bracelet and I'm thinking in getting number two ASAP.

TWO - I started working part time at Express Clothing Stores and I'm loving there jeans, sweaters and dresses.  Thank God for the 30% off lol

THREE - You might not know but my first year anniversary was November 7 and well I'm trying to complete with pictures of this who year a beautiful anniversary book at Shutterfly.  Which I'm obsessed as well with there cards.  I'm thinking of making one of hubster, Knela (my baby poodle) and I.

FOUR - My vacation is one of the things that has been on my mind ever since I moved and finally I'll be visiting my family in Puerto Rico

FIVE - And finally Hunter Boots, God how I've been wanting one hopefully in two more weeks I'll be getting these babies!!! 

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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Natural FertilityTreatment

Okay well I’m guessing that maybe plenty of you have read my past blog on my situation with trying to conceive.  Here’s a little more about my story.  When I got my first period I learned that I was irregular.  And when I mean irregular I mean terribly irregular.  I would get my period maybe two times a year, and it would last a month, my hemoglobin was extremely low all the time.  When I hit 28 I got really sick due to my hemoglobin, I had to go to a Hematologist because my Gynecologist was concern that I might develop Leukemia (thank God I didn't),  but I now will have to continue drinking iron pills for the rest of my days every time I get my period.  Good thing about it my hemoglobin has been perfect ever since.  Bad thing, my period is still irregular they wanted me to get on a birth control treatment but obviously I reject anything that has to do with birth control. In this month (October) I have my first OB/GYN appointment scheduled for this month (October 2013) here in Ft. Bragg, and I hoping they can help me with my irregularity and my TTC situation, but in the meantime I did my research and one of my friends (she should be a Nutritionist or something) gave me so many suggestions and well this is what I will begin doing:

Menstrual cycle!!!

Step 1: Body Cleanse 

I think we all know by now that habits like smoking, drug use, and high caffeine intake can severely impair fertility. There are many other factors that contribute as well:

- Lack of sleep
- Exposure to toxins
- Lack of exercise or too much
- High stress
- Certain medications or supplements 

This one was a shocker for me because honestly with two jobs and school, I am always under stress and I can't sleep.  

That's why before starting the process of natural fertilization I decided to detox my body.  

Benefits of detoxing:

-  Supports the liver in detoxification of excess hormones and toxins
-  Assists the uterus in cleansing out old blood
-  Reduces occasional reproductive system discomfort
-  Promotes normal circulation to the reproductive system for optimal health
-  Works with the menstrual cycle for optimal cleansing

What will I be taking for Phase II during menstrual cycle and 1 week after:

Detox Cleansing Tonic (the Vitamin Shoppe Promotes healthy liver and kidney function. Tea tastes nasty but it’s totally worth it.
Super Detox (4Life) - supports a healthy liver and promotes its natural detoxification process. 

Step 1: Supplements 

Belle Vie
 (4Life) - Helps strengthening the body’s natural immune system response to promote healthy cell growth and function.  Belle Vie includes a potent and proprietary phytoestrogen blend of red clover which has a very high vitamin content and contains almost every trace mineral. It has been known to help balance hormones and restore fertility.
Omega-3 - Can help reduce inflammation and boost proper hormone production.

Red Raspberry Leaf Tea
 - A well know fertility herb that is also good during pregnancy. It has a high nutrient profile and is especially high in calcium and is a uterine tonic. It is available in capsule form, but makes an excellent hot or cold tea.

Maca- A hormone balancing herb that is known throughout the world for its fertility and vitality promoting properties. Good for both men and women to increase fertility, though women should only take between menses and ovulation and MAKE sure it is not taken during pregnancy. It is a very potent herb that often has very noticeable effects on fertility. It comes in powder form or capsule form.

Vitex- Nourishes the pituitary gland and helps lengthen the luteal phase. It lowers prolactin and raises progesterone. For some women, this alone will increase fertility.

·    Folic Acid- Folic acid is well known as a necessary vitamin in early pregnancy to prevent complications, but it is most beneficial when taken for several months before the pregnancy as well as during. It helps cell division and promotes ovulation.

Royal Jelly (do not use if you're allergic to bees)- Balances hormones, supports the endocrine system, helps raise estrogen levels in women, and helps increase sperm quality and testosterone levels in men. I put one tablespoon in my morning smoothie 

IMPORTANT: Do not take any of these herbs in combination with fertility drugs, hormone treatments, or hormonal birth control! As with any herbs, supplements, or medication, consult a doctor or health care professional about your specific case and do your own research!

Step 2: Nutrition
This is by far the most important step.  You have to nurture yourself with the healthy good stuff. 

To optimize fertility through nutrition:

Be at your optimal weight, a BMI that's too low or high decreases your fertility. A BMI between 19.5 and 25 is optimal.

Exercise regularly, walk more.  Decrease stress, start yoga for fertility and for relaxation.

Remove grains, processed foods, sugars and starches from the diet. Obtain necessary carbohydrates from vegetables, some fruits and starchy sources like sweet potatoes and squash.

Increase healthy fats in the diet especially from sources like coconuts, coconut oil, olives and olive oil, butter, grass-fed meats, eggs, avocado and nuts.

Get enough protein especially from grass fed meats, eggs, and nuts (pumpkin seeds are the best).

Eat a lot of vegetables, especially green leafy varieties like lettuce, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, collard, cabbage, Brussels sprouts and similar veggies.

Drink enough water- your urine should be very lightly colored. For most women, this is around 4 quarts a day.

Drink at least one serving a day of whole milk, ice cream, or yogurt. Temporarily drink less skim or low-fat dairy.

Get plenty of iron from fruits, vegetables, beans and supplements, not from red meat.

AVOID processed dairy and if you eat dairy, eat raw, organic dairy.


AVOID trans fats, found in FAST FOODS and many commercial products.  Check package labels for amounts of trans fats and AVOID anything that contains a “partially hydrogenated” ingredient.

Here are some of the pages where I did my research:

If you have any type of questions you can contact me at

I hope this was all helpful for all of you!!!

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Thursday, October 3, 2013

Fall/Winter Favorites

Because winter is coming soon and we have to keep our skin nourished and pampered, these are the products I tend to use to prevent the dry skin during cold weather .  The deep and neutral colors would be my favorite for nails, for the makeup I look forward to dark burgundy lipsticks and a little bronzer to keep a little color (or fake it lol), I also use brown and beige colors for eye-shadows which I totally forgot to include here but I will mention the one I use below with price.  To keep my skin moisturized and smelling like summer I look into coconut/lime scents which is my favorite and last and most important my face.  It's all about preventing the wrinkles ladies.  It's not about "oh I'm young" NO it's about YOU USE MAKEUP EVERYDAY YOU NEED TO CLEAN IT AND TAKE CARE OF IT.  Okay no more lecture, enjoy chicas and I hope this helps you out a little regarding products you may look forward in using.

  1. MAC Crème sheen in Hang-Up - $15.00
  2. MAC Mineralize Skin Finish Natural in Medium Deep - $30.00
  3. ESSIE in Devil’s Advocate - $8.00
  4. ESSIE in Topless Barefoot - $8.00
  5. Tree Hut Shea Sugar Body Scrub in Coconut Lime - $7.49
  6. Tree Hut Shea Body Butter in Coconut Lime - $7.49
  7. Estee Lauder Time Zone Kit
    • Daytime Moisturizer - $65.00
    • Night Time Moisturizer - $70.00
    • Eye Cream - $55.00
    • Hydrating Gel - $65.00
  8. Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream Intensive Lip Repair Balm - $33.00

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