Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Countdown: 31 Days

I have never experienced so many mixed emotions at the same time.  I have literally 31 days until we fly to Czech Republic for our first and hopefully only IVF treatment.  This is the first time I have so much faith in not just this clinic or the doctors but in my Lord.  I’ve always said that without God nothing is impossible but my faith was not even close when it comes in trusting the Almighty.  Lately when I’m at home I put YouTube on my computer and start listening to Christian songs or I simply watch Christian movies.  This has brought me so much peace and so much tears hahaha.  Yes, I’ve been nothing but tears lately.  I honestly cannot describe what I’m feeling but I will continue to post as the time continues to approach on this journey.  
In the meantime all prayers I highly appreciated while we wait for God's masterpiece.

"Faith by itself if it is not accompanied by action is dead."
~ James 2:17
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1 comment:

  1. Well written and well described. Thumbs up to you. It is good to see Christian movies. I have seen many case in my life that miracle happens. Actually I am a doctor at IVF Center in India, that's why I always see the new miracle news daily. Infertility is not a curse. It can be cured.
