Thursday, November 19, 2015

The Famous Birth Control Pill

Let me begin by simply letting out the fact THAT I HATE BIRTH CONTROL PILLS.  Because I have PCOS my infertility clinic put me on birth control pills for about 3 months.  May I say it has been 3 months of torture.  Now don’t get me wrong I have taken BCP in the past and I do not know if it is because its an Italian brand (which I believe BCP are all the same) but never have I felt this way with them. 

Here are some of the symptoms that I have:

Anxiety attacks = Now I don’t know if it is because my IVF is right around the corner but my hearts starts pounding faster and my chest starts hurting randomly. 

Anger = Yes, I am fighting and get annoyed over any little thing even if my poor fur baby stares at me while I’m cooking and then I get the guilt trip and begin to cry cause I yell at her to leave the kitchen.  I’m literally having WTF moments here.

Loss of Libido (Sex Drive) = I have nothing to say except that it is very very extremely FRUSTRATING.

Remorse = For being such a nagging wife and having an amazing husband that literally ignores me and has the best patience in the whole world.  God loves me!

 Luckily I have 8 remaining pills and it is overrrrr!!! I’m literally dancing over here!  
I know things are not going to get easier I already experienced my sporadic mood swings when we did our IUI’s but I am so ready for this new journey and I have so much faith I just can’t wait for December to be here. I can’t wait for the blessing God has for us.

“Those who sow in tears will reap songs of joy.  He who goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with him.” ~Psalm 126:5-6

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