We celebrated 2014 with our
families in Puerto Rico. January was the
beginning of our infertility treatment. We
began with orientations and lots of blood work. 

February was a quiet month for us.
This was another quiet month which led me to baking for the first time some French Macaroons and they turned out to be delicious.
Hubs got promoted to Sergeant.
I had the craziest idea of cutting my hair short. Too short in my opinion but thank God it has grown out little by little.
One of the most saddest months I have experienced. After my first IUI and an excruciating 2ww I had a BFN. I have to thank my hubs because although we were both sad he had taken me to Myrtle Beach on a marriage retreat and a mini vacation which had helped us both during those days.
My sister and nephew came to visit me and we made a road trip all the way to Florida and we took them to Walt Disney. We also had my second IUI.
August was another sad month for us. We traveled to Puerto Rico for the baptism of my Goddaughter Zoe. We also shared with my family which I was somewhat happy for. I had my second IUI and my second BFN; one thing I was grateful for was having my mom to cry with and then J left to Fort Huachuca for his new MOS.
This sexy mamacita here is one of my best friends and she traveled and stood with me for two weeks.
I sang Happy Birthday to my mother via FaceTime (thank God for technology).
Celebrated my bff's birthday in Raleigh, NC. We had such an amazing time. Thanksgiving was a little hectic for me since I worked during Black Friday.
The best month so far. Hubs graduated from his new MOS, we finally reunited and I had the opportunity to spend Christmas with my beautiful cousin.
I want to thank all my readers, followers, family and friends
and wish you all a blessed upcoming New Year.
Thank you for reading my posts, all who knows me, knows the meaning of
documenting my life. It’s not to brag
about my life it’s to document every happiness and sadness for when the time
comes and God blesses us with a child; they will know more about their parents
and how we got blessed with them in our life.
So once again to all Happy New Year 2015.